To setup or edit your account Cover Pages you must log in to your SRFax account first. Once logged in navigate to "Settings" then "Cover Pages".
Cover Page Defaults
The first section of this page is the "Cover Page Defaults". These are the default settings for the cover page and fax header information.
Select the "Default Cover Page" you would like for your faxes as shown above highlighted by the red arrow.
Note: If you are not wanting cover pages to be used in Email-to-Fax then you will select the "Attachments Only" option. This will prevent the system from adding a cover page even if the email-to-fax transmission had a subject line and email body, only the attachment and the address will be used.
You can also change the contents of the header line at the top of every faxed page as well as the disclaimer at any time. We suggest that you then immediately click on the "Update" button at the bottom of the page in order to save the default settings.
- Select your default cover page: Set which cover page is used by default.
- Cover Page Language: Choose the default language, choose English or French.
- Auto Enable Cover Page: Enable/disable the option for the faxes to automatically "Include Cover Page" on the SEND A FAX page.
- Fax Header Line "From:" text: Enter the name/title that will be displayed in the "From" field of the header.
- Header Line contents: Enable/Disable header line content for "To Fax Number", "From Text", and "Fax Number".
- Disclaimer: Shown on all cover pages except "Blank" and "Basic". The disclaimer is displayed at the bottom of the cover page contents.
- Disclaimer Font and Size: Change the font type and size for the disclaimer text.
Cover Page Customization
Your account will include by default three cover pages you can use. These cover pages will grab information from your ACCOUNT DETAILS, and the cover page content will update automatically if the account details are changed. However, you also have the option to customize these cover pages yourself.
NOTE: Customizing the Cover Pages will disable the automatic updates to the cover pages.
Next, you can then "Customize" your default and other cover page settings by looking at the lower section of the page titled "Cover Page Customization"
First, select the cover page to customize, and then you can change the text, fonts, text size and upload your logo if desired. Once you have made changes, click on "Update" BEFORE you click on the "Preview this Cover Page" or your changes will be lost.
The body of the cover page will be filled with the text you enter on the "Send A Fax" page or from the body of email, if you are sending a fax via email.
Cover pages will not be sent when sending a broadcast fax via email, and the same cover page will be sent to everyone on a broadcast fax when using the "Send A Fax" utility.